Our 1st 3 Awards were Medical Product applications including the prestigious Industrial Design and Medical Design Excellence Awards, sponsored by IDSA. Our focus is unit cost management and considering the whole User-Product Interface, Human Factors considering the with the physical, psychological and social aspects of the patient-caretaker relationship. Below are a few examples of our Medical Product Portfolio as the final results usually combine semantics, physics and mechanical product manufacturing 3D CAD development to solve medical, human factors problems. Medical Product Design is usually about Human Factors and passing FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the proper documentation and submittal procedures. Contact us with any questions.
Industrial Design Medical Product Development Portfolio
In the field of Industrial Design – medical new product development and the art of contributing to very human problems. Industrial design is applied human factors meeting medical hygienic and safety standards. Medical Product Design and Product Engineering is about solving problems and aesthetics and comfort.
Human Factors
Using a product for a few minutes versus using a product for 8 – 12 hours at a time is a much more complex product statement User – Product Interface and level of comfort or pain is hard to measure. Human size, and anthropometric scale and proportions requires multiple sizes or adjustability. From pencil thumbnail sketches to 3D CAD color renderings the medical design process is about visualizing the possible solutions or product design to meet the physical, and psychological and – blind user trials and social acceptance. The requirement of meeting FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration), development, prototype and documentation, and clinical trial requirements is just the tip of the scalpel. Industrial designer embrace the process with the User – Product Interface requirements. 3D CAD, product engineering and rapid prototypes are the tools of the trade. Proof of Concept and mock up or RTV cast (rubber) urethane prototypes become very valuable to evaluate the solution before mass production. Our Designers look for the the best materials and mechanical – manufacturing solution with the highest quality possible, with a sincere commitment to human factors friendly solutions. Our portfolio includes medical products that have been recognized and awarded.
WhiteLight Design uses industrial design and product design engineering to create efficient and elegant medical product design and manufacturing solutions.
If you and company are looking for invention product design or a working prototype, give us a call, it’s free.