DRONES? Bring in the Designers, monitored by earthly Engineers
For years around 1973 -1977, as a teenager early mornings on my paper route, I was looking up for any strange lights or Unidentified Flying Objects or UFO’s. We lived a few miles from the Cleveland, Ohio airport so I saw a lot and heard a lot of planes, jets or helicopters with lights but never witnessed anything out of the ordinary. I was also fascinated with Radio-Controlled or RC models using a handset controller flying small scale air planes, helicopters and fan engine jets. It is a popular hobby of flying scale model planes, doing air stunts in a big open field that excited many. In 2025 RC Drones are now used worldwide and as an Industrial Designer the next generation drone craft design is worthy of inquiry. On a recent defying gravity lighter note for drones or space craft we may have to think outside the box. Considering some of the 2024 government programs Whistleblower witness testimonials seem to be more than your standard off the shelf battery powered propellor drone or craft.1
DEFINITION: Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), Paranormal Unidentified Flying Object (PUFO), unexplainable “space craft” or Drones. Also referred to as shiny balloons, plasma balls or shape shifting orbs. Craft observed as exceeding known air, space or military craft performance capabilities, even under water. Morphing, appearing and cloaking or disappearing flashes of light. Methods of propulsion unknown, no engine noise, maybe a low hum hoovering or traveling low speed to extreme acceleration – changing direction at less than 90 degrees at super sonic speeds. Considering humans would be splashed on the windshield are incapable of surviving such rates of speed with the gravitational inertia forces, so the craft is assumed operated remotely piloted or self intelligently piloted craft. So for now, assumed not occupied. Observations lean to intelligently commanded, controlled or piloted through use of AI – Artificial Intelligence or an unknown power engine and navigation technology. Multiple drones or crafts flying in a geometric formations including larger mothership craft and or observations of landings and occupants interacting with willingly or unwillingly humans.
SUBJECTIVE OBSERVATIONS: Social media, YouTube, books, witnesses and videos have posted images of space craft in air or water, hoovering or accelerating or traveling at supersonic speeds, no sound, engine noise or observable power system. Appearing and disappearing – cloaking. The craft and occupants appear and show up as physical (craft and materials recovered) but like a ghost disappearing melting into the wall or sky. The witness testimonials and “video” evidence is not convincing but out there.
PUBLIC DOMAIN: Global Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations require all aircraft have an anti-collision lighting system with position red, green and white lights or illumination system that is observable from 360° around the aircraft’s vertical axis, and 75° above and below the horizontal plane for nighttime operations. Red on the left side, Green on the right, and a White tail or top light. The lights must have minimum of 400 effective candela (brightness) visibility at 3 miles distance. Not considering weather conditions of local visibility with dense clouds, rain or fog.
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN – CRAFT: Applied to human factors of intelligently piloted craft that serves the users. The scientific, physics frontier has always been defying gravity, folding time-space, teleporting and deep space travel. We speculate that the craft being observed either carry cargo or people or biological intelligence that are remotely piloted or consciously connected pilots. From deep space travel to other galaxies or planets taking years to travel at the speed of light to multidimensional, teleportation they aren’t from our earthly universe publicly known newtonian physics technologies, so it’s fun to speculate. Materials analysis of retrieved craft exhibit known and unknown elements perhaps above 115 or metal alloy compositions that we do not know how to reproduce. We are all waiting to see the engineering 3D CAD plans and bill of materials.
GRAND OBJECTIVE: If a superior race is visiting our earth from deep space or another dimension and has advanced to a point of being able to enter or exit our physical world at will, why have they not demanded ”Take us to your leader”! To then demand respect based on fear of their superior craft technology for the purpose of destruction or volunteer to share their intelligence and give the planet extinction avoiding, life saving technology we seem to so need. Do these friendly saviors or superior race new occupiers of our planet, want to coexist, living in peace? They must want to show off or communicate something to be exposing themselves in such great “sighting” numbers.
The use of any space craft or light is a signal of wanting to or needing to be seen and known. Blinking lights is obvious, Here I am! Waving your open hand is considered a friendly gesture, but they communicate by telepathy, so you hear them in your head. “Think hello, take us to your leader and wave! DING – DING!
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1. https://burchett.house.gov/media/press-releases/house-oversight-committee-announces-uap-hearing