The Strategic Product Development Process (SDP) is why you invest in a single source for Industrial Design Engineering and Branding and the WhiteLight Design, new product development, and prototype team. The qualifications, 25+ years experience, and a methodology based on a Masters level approach and hundreds of delivered solutions contributing to company profits. An example and the reward is sometimes very touching with thousands of units still out there that we contributed to, still saving babies lives today. When Innovation, “Do it right the first time”, tooling, piece price costs, and Award Winner are at the top of your list then the WD team, combined with the SDP is a road map to success. Below is the comprehensive overview of primary Milestones to consider for a typical product development, Strategic Development Process, or Milestones 1-3 Plan:
Milestone 1 Phases 1 – 2 – 3 Conceptual Development & Feasibility Analysis*
Milestone 2 Phases 4 – 5 – 6 Design & Engineering / 3D CAD Development
Milestone 3 Phases 7 – 8 – 9 Pre-Production 3D CAD – Prototype
You cannot fully conquer kingdoms until you have conquered yourself. Leaders must learn how to master themselves and their environment.” by Akinremi David Oladipupo – Nigeria 2008