Each year we create, illustrate and write a custom holiday card to give thanks to all who support us past, present and future. We are very grateful for the opportunity to serve and hope you enjoy our festive and creative annual Holiday Lights!

Silent Light - 2007
The earth lies Silent, softly shrouded in a blanket of white –
Then a glimmer of color spreads, revealing a Glorious landscape.
The Light filters through as a new day awakens from the slumber of night.
The Cardinal stands watch with his mate over all of his domain –
His attributes of loyalty, devotion and steadfast strength unwavering,
A hinting toward the Gifts of the Season.
The Promise of the Day upon the horizon, will soon bring a bustle of activity –
Families and friends scurrying about, Busy with deeds of love
for those much cherished.
And so we remember precious times past – And savor shared moments we
now gratefully enjoy, Looking with Hope to a future that’s Bright with Fondest Dreams Fulfilled!
Willis & Debbie Whiteside + Team
“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt Dedicated and in Honor of Nathan C. Birchfield (The Cardinal) WWII Veteran – Clay County, Alabama Beloved Brother, Husband, Father, Step Father, Grand (4) & Great Grand Father(6+4) and Mentor 12/6/22 – 12/9/07 Illustrator: Willis Author: Debbie (Birchfield) Whiteside The above illustration was produced for and courtesy of Accurate Printers, www.Accurateprinters.com
The WhiteLight Design holiday card is a vision of the future of the Christmas holiday season. Santa is based at Northpole Industries with the elves and reindeer. Santa embraces industrial design, 3D CAD, product engineering and rapid prototyping. The prototype team invested in a rapid printed prototype shop to compliment the full prototype shop. New materials and production technologies are used to meet the wish list demands. Each year the graphic creative design team assembles the holiday card to celebrate the years achievements. From the toy shop to the transportation systems, Santa looks for the highest quality possible with sincere commitment to performance and global gifting with Human and Elv Factors. From packaging to full branding design, WhiteLight Design uses industrial design and product design engineering to create efficient and elegant solutions. From plastic to metal to aluminum to titanium, metal to plastic conversion our engineers work to model up the invention form the patent. Santa is also offering invention and provisional patent reviews for those just getting started. We hope you enjoy the many years of holiday cards as much as we enjoy creating them. If you and company are looking for a special invitation or holiday card celebration event give the shop a ring.