Mirror Light - 2022
The Gala at North Pole Industries is almost here. The year has been challenging for all the Claus family, friends and elves of every category: dreamers, designers, engineers and more. Work is abundant and rewarding as it continues to bring joy around the world. Crystal sits at her dressing table with brush in hand as she ponders the past months and what lies ahead. The Gala will be held in the main ballroom decorated with garland and chandeliers dimmed for magical ambience. Tables adorned with white linen, lace and gum drop trees will surround the dance floor.
The orchestra will play waltzes as dancers glide with grace around the room. Roasted chestnuts, ambrosia and ginger bread will be served with eggnog and refreshing cranberry punch in gold rimmed goblets. Surrounded by an array of accoutrements, she looks deeply into the mirror before her. She styles her hair to compliment the red evening gown made custom for her by the chief seamstress elf.
The shoes to perfectly match, jewelry to sparkle, perfumes and just the right touch of cosmetics should accent nicely. It is very important to Miss Crystal Claus to look sophisticated, but sweet and most important to set a good example by letting her
inner light shine. She knows that the mirror image she sees is just a reflection. No one can see their true self as they are seen by the Master of all things, but she will do her best and remember the Reason for the Season.
All the planning, production and delivery is complete. Now is the time to acknowledge with gratitude and celebrate everyone’s contribution to a successful year of dreams come true and wishes fulfilled.
Willis & Debbie Whiteside
“ For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part,
but then I shall know just as I also am known.” I Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)
The WhiteLight Design Mirror Light holiday card is a vision of the future of the Christmas holiday season. Santa is based at Northpole Industries with the elves and reindeer. Santa embraces industrial design, 3D CAD, product engineering and rapid prototyping. The prototype team invested in a rapid printed prototype shop to compliment the full prototype shop. New materials and production technologies are used to meet the wish list demands. Each year the graphic creative design team assembles the holiday card to celebrate the years achievements. From the toy shop to the transportation systems, Santa looks for the highest quality possible with sincere commitment to performance and global gifting with Human and Elv Factors. From packaging to full branding design, WhiteLight Design uses industrial design and product design engineering to create efficient and elegant solutions. From plastic to metal to aluminum to titanium, metal to plastic conversion our engineers work to model up the invention form the patent. Santa is also offering invention and provisional patent reviews for those just getting started. We hope you enjoy the many years of holiday cards as much as we enjoy creating them. If you and company are looking for a special invitation or holiday card celebration event give the shop a ring.