GOAT Baseball - Bob Feller
In Dec 2022 inspired by Bob Feller and my 8th grade baseball team the inspiration to illustrate the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) sports figures came to light.
Bob Feller 1918- 2010 (aged 92)
Age 17- 18 seasons in MLB Cleveland Indians. Image in his start at the World Series Game 1 1948 in New York.
Career 1936 to 1941, 1945 to 1956, interrupted four-year sojourn in the Navy. USS Alabama.
570 games, pitched 3,827 innings, win–loss 266–162,
279 complete games, 44 shutouts, and a 3.25 ERA.
No hitters, 1940, 1946, and 1951,
12 one-hitters (no-hitters and one-hitters were records at the time of his retirement).
He helped the Indians win the World Series in 1948.
Feller’s pitch clocked at 107.6 mph (173.2 km/h).
Ted Williams called Feller “the fastest and best pitcher I ever saw during my career.”
Looking Up… Willis
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REFERENCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Feller

Artistic Perspective
The Greatest of All Time art is a passion of bringing historical sports or public figures to full color. The art starts with research into the personality and reviewing available images or photographs to reference. The research includes the historical location and fan fills bleacher seats for those who witness the moments. The 18” x 24 inch canvas is laid out with the contrasting color pencil of the primary figures or elements outlines. These lines become boundaries of colors, with distinguishing edges or sfumato blended or smoky edges or color – light shading or blending. The foreground is usually in focus with the subject figure in dynamic action. Careful attention is given to these autonomist positions as sometimes these are the most recognized images or captured photo moments of the subject. Crossing the finish line or hurling a fastball, the intent is the subject is flowing with eye movement so you don’t want to stop looking in on the details.
Applying color
Applying the mixed acrylic squeezed out of a tube with a 10- 20 minute dry time. Applying or blending the colors is a matter of color and water saturation. Appling the base colors from dark to light is usually the process. The base color layers then absorb the new wet layer to blend the 2-3 color mixtures to achieve the desired color or blends. The multi layers affect of adding more color achieves more intense color saturation or white or pure color to dark blending. The blank canvas to final brush stoke is normally 2-3 weeks. Working in 2-4 hours sessions usually in the early mornings. We hope you enjoy the art as intended to bring back the best of the sport! If you have a suggestion for a new GOAT please contact us.